Our Clients

At Ushuaia Shipping, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of service. We are the trusted partner for leading shipping companies & super yachts in Ushuaia. We value long term relationships and we always go the extra mile to meet our client’s needs. We deliver exceptional service, no matter the challenge.

What we Believe

We believe human relations are key to a succesful enterprise. We aim for long-term relationships and are 100% commited to the companies we represent. By partnering with us, you gain an ally fully devoted to your organization, providing unwavering support and commitment.

What Our Clients Say


We hace been working in this industry for more than 20 years. We have a prominent presence in Ushuaia.


We are based in Ushuaia throughout the season. Being present at all operations we can proactively resolve any challenges on-site.

Tailored Solutions

We tailor our services to precisely align with your needs and ensure your operations are conducted smoothly and efficiently.


We are available around the clock to provide you with personal fast replies and exceptional support and service.